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Jan Farr

Make Sure You Have the Right Diapers

By Jan Farr

I forgot what it was like to get poo'ed on until I had to change my clothes, as well as the 2-mo-old grandchild's outfit, when we were all trying to rush out of the house...

One July, I had three of my grandbabies (and two of our daughters) at our house together for the first time since the littlest one was born.

The ages were 2.5 years, 10 months and 2 months. We had three different sizes of diapers in various bedrooms-turned-nurseries, but twice, we ran out of one size, so we had to borrow from another size until someone ran to the store. Very interesting seeing a 2.5 year old wearing a newborn diaper…sort of like a diaper bikini! And when you have to put a toddler diaper on a newborn...that's when it happened. Prepare to be poo'ed on!

Well, during that same visit, Granddad got pretty tired of hearing his grown daughters' "poop talk"…and hauling heavy bags of diapers out to the curb on trash day. I’m now shopping for a toddler potty seat for (my) Grammie’s house because I think the toddler, who will be 3 in a few weeks, is ready…and so is everyone else.

I Promise to always make sure Grammie's house is ready for a visit with her grandbabies.

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